Cynthia (Cyd) S. Gillett, DVM, DACLAM, CPIA, is a laboratory animal veterinarian and animal program consultant who retired in 2015 from the positions of Director of Research Animal Resources and Institutional Veterinarian at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Gillett earned her veterinary degree from Michigan State University and is a board-certified laboratory animal veterinarian. Dr. Gillett is an active council member emeritus of AAALAC International. She has been involved in many laboratory animal professional organizations, having served as a board member and president of ACLAM. She was a chapter author in The IACUC Handbook and Laboratory Animals, Regulations (1st & 2nd editions) and Recommendations for Global Collaborative Research (2013). Dr. Gillett is a Certified Professional IACUC Administrator (CPIA®). She lives in St. Paul, MN with her lab animal vet husband, Dan, has 2 children named Abe and Lydia, rides at the Windy Ridge Ranch, and recommends the book A Girl Named Zippy: Growing Up Small in Mooreland Indiana to anyone who likes to laugh.