Ms. Greene is at Michigan State University, advising the IACUC and other members of the animal care program team maintaining campuswide AAALAC accreditation. In addition to co-developing and co-presenting the Essentials of IACUC Administration course and chairing the AALAS ad hoc subcommittee that contributed to IACUC 101’s development, she was an inaugural member of and served three terms on the Council of Certified Professional IACUC Administrators (CPIA). Ms Greene served as editor of the 2012 CIOMS ICLAS International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals, has managed the IACUC-ADMIN listserv since its inception in 2005, and served as an ad hoc Specialist Consultant for AAALAC for 15+ years. She was a member of the editorial board for the OLAW/ARENA Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook, 2nd and 3rd editions. Ms. Greene received Distinguished Service Awards from the Texas Society for Biomedical Research and the Applied Research Ethics National Association and AALAS’s Collins Award for “significant dedication to sharing skills and knowledge with fellow colleagues”. She has been consulting on IACUC issues and providing IACUC training nationally and internationally since the early 1990s, and was IACUC Coordinator at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio from 1986-2003.